With no direct translation to English, ‘Cynefin’ is a Welsh word rooted in the environment around you; highlighting that warm tingly feeling you get when you feel at peace, becoming one with nature, and knowing in your soul that at this moment this is where you’re meant to be. Join us in a dark room in Cardiff where everyone is welcome, and feel a sense of CYNEFIN with us.
This programme will take you around the world and back, showcasing films set in Hong Kong, Spain, and the gorgeous Irish countryside; depicting strangers' private moments at home and on their evening train commutes; and acting as a voyager to the past, present, and future.
There’s no place like home.
Mae ein cynefin yn rhan annatod ohonom - yn gwneud i ni deimlo’n gynnes i gyd pan fyddwn ni’n gwybod lle ydyn ni, yn un â natur. Croeso i bawb i ystafell gywydd yng Nghaerdyd i greu cynefin newydd gyda’n gilydd. O ddinas Hong Kong, drwy Sbaen hyd arfordir noethlwm Iwerddon - bydd y rhaglen hon yn yn mynd â ni i bedwar ban byd gan roi cip ar ddieithriaid yn eu tai neu ar eu taith. Dewch gyda ni am dro i ddoe, heddiw ac yfory.
79mins, adv12+
(S) - Student film


Sunday 16 January 2021
Chapter Arts Centre | Cinema 2 | 2:30pm

Dir. Vann Law | Australia | 0:01:41
Every night, a promise is kept. As the sun sets, a special train runs to pick up a passenger, and bring her back into the city by dawn.
Dir. Esther Cheung | Canada | 0:04:08 (S)
A portrait of seventies Hong Kong as my parents remember it.
Dir. Jelena Sinik | Australia | 0:02:05 (S)
In our age of attention scarcity, 'On' explores just where our gaze is falling. Take a curious and playful glimpse into both the connectedness and enduring loneliness of the modern condition, through this intimate and unexamined lens.
Dir. Shanice Muntslag | Netherlands | 0:04:21 (S)
An animated short film which shows glimpses of my life in my country of birth, before moving to another country at age 9.
Dir. Elaine Song | Korea | 0:03:49
A girl finds out her favourite restaurant was closed. She goes on a journey to find a new place, and realises her special affection with the place and the food.
Dir. Nelly Michenaud | UK | 0:08:44 (S)
On a train journey without stops or destination, an observer goes to extreme lengths to avoid other passengers, a giant baby runs away from his parents, a romantic woman starts an relationship with a cuckoo, and a naïve boy discovers that some problems can’t be fixed by pictures of unicorns.
Dir. Anastasia Melikhova | Denmark | 0:03:00
Abstractions transform into nature and through that a new world is born.
An tEarrach Thiar (The Western Spring)
Dir. Eimhin McNamara | Ireland | 0:03:45
Sunlight lingering on the horizon, we remember springtime on the island. Based on the poem by Máirtín Ó Direáin, featuring music by Fionnuala Ní Chiosáin & Kíla, with vocals by Lisa Hannigan
Dir. Tess Martin | Netherlands | 0:06:49
Spinning drawings guide us along the flow of energy through our planet, and let us ponder our place in the natural cycle.
Dir. Guillot Camille, Hagdahl Sorebo Fanny, Krechman Aleksandra, Naciri Sarah, Ravelonary Morgane, Zhang Valentine | France | 0:04:47 (S)
Loukoum can’t stand the passage of Time anymore. She decides to go face it in person and free herself from its control. But can you really get rid of Time itself?
Dir. Gabriella Marsh | UK | 0:04:44 (S)
A short animated film that documents the happenings in a single square in Barcelona, la Plaça de la Virreina.
Dir. Rory Waudby-Tolley & Diana Gradinaru | UK | 0:09:03
In 1999 a boy becomes obsessed with the Y2K bug; in the distant future a girl is learning to be a priest in a religion based upon the ‘artefacts’ left behind by the boy.
Boom -> Bust (Vicious Cycles #1)
Dir. Wobbe F. Koning | USA | 0:01:42
Object explosions join rusty elements: a rhythmical cacophony grows, until system grinds to a halt.

Dir. Wiep Teeuwisse |Netherlands | 0:08:21
During a sunny holiday, a flock of tourists struggle to let go of their busy city lives, and the absence of daily tasks leaves them lost in an uncomfortable and frightening place.

Dir. Hollie Alexa Moxham | UK | 0:01:30
The Lighthouse is an animated micro-short that combines a number of unique styles and ideas from up-and-coming animation artists.

Dir. Gustavo Arteaga | UK | 0:01:06
We are bound to the choices we make. A take on the consequences of ocean pollution.

Dir. Sayaka Hara | UK | 0:07:27 (S)
A hunter who lives in the mountain knows the bears well. She apologizes to each bear every time she kills one, but she has to, for it is how she makes her living. One evening, she comes across a bear and when she is about to kill it, the bear speaks to her.

Dir. Ross Hogg | UK | 0:02:27
Tired, drunk, disgruntled, joyous and riotous strangers are pushed together within the confines of the last train home.