Friday 26th April
6pm | Chapter Cinema 1 | Adv12+
60 mins | Subtitled
Free, or included in Festival Pass
The Cardiff Quick Draw competition sees teams across the globe working to achieve the impossible goal of making an animated film within a single weekend.
During the previous Quick Draw in 2022, an incredible 124 teams entered from 19 different countries and 66 films were completed with the theme 'mini' in just 48 hours!
This year, the teams were different, the prompt was different, but the films made over the weekend of April are no less incredible.
Pop along and see what it’s possible to make if you have a 48-hour deadline, a community of like-minded thrill-seekers, and a whole lot of determination.
Mae cystadleuaeth Darlunio Cyflym Caerdydd yn gweld timau ar draws y byd yn gweithio i gyflawni'r nod amhosibl o wneud ffilm wedi'i hanimeiddio o fewn un penwythnos.
Yn ystod y Darlunio Cyflym blaenorol yn 2022, ymgeisiodd 124 o dimau anhygoel o 19 o wahanol wledydd a chwblhawyd 66 o ffilmiau gyda'r thema 'mini' mewn dim ond 48 awr!
Eleni, roedd y timau'n wahanol, roedd yr ysgogiad yn wahanol, ond nid yw'r ffilmiau a wnaed dros benwythnos Ebrill yn llai anhygoel.
Galwch draw i weld beth sy’n bosibl ei wneud os oes gennych derfyn amser o 48 awr, cymuned o geiswyr gwefr o'r un anian, a llawer o benderfyniad.